Friday 20 June 2014

Cool Bike Shop: Lola Bike & Coffee

Was on a road trip to the Canadian Embassy in den Haag today. Much to my disappointment, they don't have free dispensers of maple syrup! Anyway, wandering through the city afterwards, came across the super-cool "Lola Bikes & Coffee" right in the main pedestrian area. That wooden bike on the left is just one of the many funky bikes to be found here. Great surprise find! And of course the name "Lola" is close to my heart.
It's both a functioning bike shop, mini-bike museum, and a great cafe hangout. None of the three components feel tacked on, and it's just a great place to ogle bike stuff and hang out even if you don't like bikes. That's a very cool Cinelli track bike upper right.

The place isn't just one kind of bike shop featuring one type of bike. At the entrance, there's a massive "fat bike" hanging up with painting specific to it. Then throughout the shop, there'd be super high-end carbon road bikes next to funky commuter bikes or vintage bikes. All very tastefully displayed and arranged as in these two examples. It's ALL bike!

There's a big back part devoted to books about cycling, both in Dutch and English. Again, all tastefully arranged more as a nice salon than a bike store. No copies of Cutting-Edge Cycling though... And on the right is the very nice decor of the bar area.

Now THIS is a great spread to while away time on a comfy couch with. Free fresh-squeezed orange juice with my cappuccino and croissant, and a copy of Peloton magazine to peruse.

This being the Netherlands, I think I'm contractually obligated to include this gratuitous shot of a herring stand...

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