Tuesday 3 July 2012

Watching le Tour de France

On June 30th we took a few trains to Liege and one was a rinkety dinkety train that was really small and so all the people trying to get to the tour de france got all squished, and that was after we couldn't stuff ourselves into the first train!
We arrived in time to see the publicity caravan and they threw out a few souvenirs but one company even threw out glasses cleaners, and then we watched the riders warm up for about 2 hours and then the race started, at first we stood where you could see the riders starting and finishing then we went to the starting ramp and saw the riders start.

After that we decided to go home before the big rush but we just missed the last rinkety dinkety train so we had to wait an hour until the next one, but while we were waiting the crowd started to gather up, so our plan didn't work. We stuffed ourselves into that train, but then it kept stopping and we had to transfer to an even more packed train, and the whole trip took over 2h for 30 km! And no air conditioning or open windows with a hot day and tons of people!
Getting crushed was the theme of the day. It was crazy packed just crossing the ramps over the race course. On the right is the train AFTER half the people were already off.
And over all we got home at about 11:50 and that was the day before Canada day so we stayed up ten more minutes until Canada day.

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