Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Extra Family Member Coming Home?

Friday while biking into the lab, we saw this little black and white ball of fluffy dogginess on the side of the road a few blocks away. Today it was lying by the side of the road by the high school the next block over from home. We were already bringing a container of dog food to our adopted dog at the cafeteria, so the boys and I stopped on Zachary's suggestion and gave some to this little guy. It was so excited at the food and playful with us. It was also so insanely cute that, if Greece was the final stop in our sabbatical, we'd likely be coming home with it tucked into our suitcase! The poor critter obviously had some skin itch or infection that caused it to lick and bite its side raw. As you see on the right, it was very playful and friendly, alternating between eating and jumping onto my lap to play and give me kisses.


  1. so cute! Too bad we won't meet him!

  2. You really should adopt him. Europe is so pet friendly you would be able to travel with him easily and then bring him to his forever home in Ontario. Consider it...

  3. That is real humanity. Lesson should be taken beyond the narration. Khelifa
