Tuesday 24 April 2012

La Dolce Vita - Tuscany!

After a nightmare travel that I doubt we'll laugh about one day, we're all reunited together here at La Tornaia, the villa we've rented for two weeks near the village of Chitignano in Tuscany. It's up in the midst of endless valleys and hills, and quite remote from anywhere big or built up - that's the point! We rented it through Olaf's sister, and Olaf has joined us to renew our adventures, sans canoe though...
On the left is the view from our front door, with valleys down below. The flowering vine over the fence is really pretty, and leads to a trail that climbs up to Chitignano.
The morning dawned with pouring rain, but cleared up after noon. We went for a walk up to Chitignano in the afternoon up the same trail. Just before then, Olaf took me on another crazy adventure, namely the longest run (75 min) of my life up and down every single valley, with not even 10 m of flat roads. Luckily no canoe this time, but the fierce Viking was broiling and jumped into the 10oC pool.
More views from and around the villa. Lots of hills and valleys all around
 The boys seem to be living la dolce vita!

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